News & Events

From 23 to 25 February Fattoria Le Terrazze will be in Bologna for the Slow Wine Fair 2025, the international fair dedicated to good, clean and fair wine.We are waiting for you at stand A2 desk 13 - pavilion 20 to taste our selection of wines! General info: Slow Wine Fair bus service with national itineraries:

Una magica serata con i capolavori di Rota e Morricone, magistralmente arrangiati dallo straordinario fisarmonicista Cesare Chiacchiaretta.   Giovedì 28/07/2022 I suoni del grande cinema   Duo Kairós Cesare Chiacchiaretta, fisarmonica Marco Colacioppo, pianoforte   ➤ IL CONCERTO - Ore 21.30 Un viaggio affascinante nel mondo del grande cinema che farà rivivere intense emozioni, grazie alle meravigliose colonne sonore create dai compositori Premi Oscar Ennio Morricone e Nino Rota. Gli arrangiamenti, magistralmente scritti da Cesare Chiacchiaretta per il duo Kairós, tengono conto delle orchestrazioni originali, sottolineando tutte le sfumature grazie alla ricchezza espressiva di due strumenti molto cari a Rota e a Morricone: la fisarmonica e il pianoforte. Un lavoro che dona una nuova veste all’opera originale e che

Una serata dedicata alla "Bossa Nova", con i rinomati jazzisti Francesca Leone e Guido Di Leone.   Giovedì 21/07/2022 Coração vagabundo   Francesca Leone - Guido Di Leone Quartet Francesca Leone, voce Guido Di Leone, chitarra Gianluca Fraccalvieri, basso Fabio Delle Foglie, batteria   ➤ IL CONCERTO - Ore 21.30 "Coração vagabundo", il nuovo lavoro discografico per Abeat Records dell'affiatato e affascinante connubio fra Francesca Leone e Guido Di Leone, pubblicato dopo il successo di "Tudo em Bossa nova". Canzoni brasiliane e non, canzoni note e meno note. La bossanova, movimento culturalmusicale, sviluppatosi negli anni ‘60 grazie alla creatività di musicisti di jazz e poeti, si è presto divulgato in tutto il mondo attraverso le meravigliose composizioni dei suoi eroi, Tom

with Anissa Gouizi and Frida Neri Second appointment of "Musica in Cantina 2020" VENTO DEL SUDGiovanni Seneca, guitar Anissa Gouizi, voice Frida Neri, voice Sunday 16 august - h. 21.15(☂ In the event of bad weather ➤ 17 august) ☎ Entrance ONLY by reservation: 0717390352 ✼✼✼✼✼ Music and songs inspired by the different cultures of the Mediterranean and the dialogue between peoples. In the show, original compositions are interwoven with traditional songs that embrace all the Mediterranean traditions in various languages and dialects: Arabic, Ladino, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Neapolitan, Apulian, Abruzzese and Marche. The musical journey in the Mediterranean starts from the sounds of southern Italy and, passing through the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and the Maghreb, arrives

featuring Massimo Manzi, drums | Emanuele Di Teodoro, bass and double bass  First event of "Musica in Cantina 2020", in collaboration with Spaziomusica and Ancona Jazz. Friday 7 august - h 21.15(☂ In the event of bad weather ➤ 9 august) Antonino De Luca, accordion featuring Massimo Manzi, drums Emanuele Di Teodoro, bass and double bass ☎ Entrance ONLY by reservation: 0717390352 ✼✼✼✼✼ Many are the influences that this trio has been carrying on for years: the tradition of bop with the sense of blues as a strong predominant element, blends with the Mediterranean and Sicilian atmospheres brought by Antonino's origins, the first ambassador of the Castelfidardo accordion. The energy and eclecticism of Emanuele, a rising

A musical reactor to "cure" the sufferings of nature and men - in collaboration with Ancona Jazz Third event of "Musica in cantina 2019" that, in collaboration with Ancona Jazz, presents an international formation of musicians. ATOMIC BASS TRIOSumire Kuribayashi, pianoGiovanni Scasciamacchia, drumsGiuseppe Bassi, double bass The Atomic Bass is a musical reactor that produces notes to 'cure' the sufferings of nature and men. A utopia in music elaborated by Giuseppe Bassi, a long-time double bass player with a strong social sensitivity.The Giuseppe Bassi trio "Atomic Bass" brings together international musicians and celebrates the union of two countries - Italy and Japan - with their musical traditions and the emotional nuances

Last event of the exhibition "Music in the cellar 2019", Wednesday, August 28, in the charming courtyard of the Farm Le Terrazze, concert of the group "Turkish Café" with the performance of aerial acrobatics of the Company Revolé. The concert will start at 9 p.m. Admission € 5 with glass of wine included (up to 12 years old free of charge).  TURKISH CAFÉ facebook

Giovanni Seneca, appreciated guitarist and composer, accompanied by FORM String Quartet, proposes his "Mediterranean Serenade" in the fifth concert of the review "Musica in Cantina 2019". The concert will take place in the beautiful courtyard of Fattoria Le Terrazze in Numana on Sunday, August 18 from 21.00 and will be preceded at 20.00 by a guided tasting of 5 wines with delicious gastronomic appetizers. Admission to the concert € 10 - glass of wine included. (up to 12 years old free entrance)Tasting € 10 - reservation required Info and reservations: tel. 071 7390352Fattoria Le TerrazzeVia Musone 4 - Numana (AN)